ENSTA-Paris courses
UCP's researchers are involved in teaching in many ENSTA-Paris courses.
1rst year
- Introduction to MATLAB
- From atom to molecule
- Biology
2nd year
- Industrial processes development
- Materials and energy
- Polymers, dendrimers and supramolecular chemistry
Every year a dozen projects are proposed by the UCP within the experimental module (MODEX « Fluid mechanics and energetics ») of the SMC course (« Systèmes Mécaniques et Chimiques »)
3rd year
- Process engineering
- Reactors and equilibrium states
- Transport phenomena and reaction
- Process optimization and energy production
- From fossil fuels to biofuels
- Biofuels
UCP is in charge of two networks : « Systèmes Énergétiques, innovation et optimisation des procédés » and « Gestion de l'Énergie et de l'Environnement ».
These courses cover a wide range of methods and tools applicable to the energy and environment : process engineering, process simulation, operational research.
These teachings also approach the most recent developments in the domain of energy.

Outside courses
H2 network
- Sino European Institute ICARE (Institute for Clean And Renewable Energies) : through UCP, ENSTA is in charge of the H2 network (contacts : Johnny Deschamps and Laurent Catoire).
- International Master's degree REST (« Sciences et Technologies des Énergies Renouvelables ») : a course dedicated to the H2 network is piloted by Didier Dalmazzone.
- Master of Physics « Énergies et Matériaux Avancés (EMA) » (« Énergies Renouvelables » course) at Cergy Pontoise University (contact : Johnny Deschamps, in charge of the « H2 network » course)
Thermodynamic and process simulation
- At Mines ParisTech, Patrice Paricaud is in charge industrial processes modelling course, designed for 2nd year's undergraduate students of the various options.
- Didier Dalmazzone is in charge of the Thermochemistry course (« Ingéniérie des Matériaux Énergétiques » option) at ENSTA Bretagne.
- Élise Provost is in charge of the industrial chemistry course at the École Polytechnique. This is an introductory course in process engineering for the students in chemistry.
- The process engineering course of M1 international master (MNE : Master of Nuclear Energy) is half provided by a teacher of the École Centrale de Paris and by Patrice Paricaud. The purpose is to introduce students to the methods of process engineering.
- Laurent Catoire is in charge of the « Combustions Accidentelles » course of the M2 master « Énergie et Matériaux » of the Orléans University (CPRE specialized teaching, « Combustion, Pollution, Risques, Environnement »).