Publications du groupe de recherche GDP sur la période 2013-2021 (éléments)
Articles publiés
- "Optimization of Hydrogen Cost and Transport Technology in France and Germany for Various Production and Demand Scenarios".
Amin Lahnaoui, Christina Wulf, Didier Dalmazzone.
Energies, MDPI, 2021, 14 (3), pp.744.
DOI : 10.3390/en14030744
- "Measurements and predictive models of high-pressure H2 solubility in brine (H2O+NaCl) for underground hydrogen storage application".
Salaheddine Chabab, Pascal Théveneau, Christophe Coquelet, Jérôme Corvisier, Patrice Paricaud.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 45, Issue 56, 13 November 2020, pages 32206-32220.
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.08.192.
- "Contact angle measurements on cyclopentane hydrates".
Fanny Thomas, Didier Dalmazzone, Jeffrey Morris.
Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 229, 16 January 2021.
DOI : 10.1016/j.ces.2020.116022.
- "Waterborne Polyurethanes as a New and Promising Class of Kinetic Inhibitors for Methane Hydrate Formation".
Abdolreza Farhadian, Arman Kudbanov, Mikhail Varfolomeev, Didier Dalmazzone.
Scientific Reports, 2020.
DOI : 10.1038/s41598-019-46274-w.
- "Structure of the agonist 12–HHT in its BLT2 receptor-bound state".
Fabrice Giusti, Marina Casiraghi, Élodie Point, Marjorie Damian, Jutta Rieger, Christel Le Bon, Alexandre Pozza, Karine Moncoq, Jean-Louis Banères, Laurent Catoire.
Scientific Reports, volume 10, Article number: 2630 (2020).
DOI : 10.1038/s41598-020-59571-6.
- "Predictions of solvation Gibbs free energies with COSMO-SAC approaches".
Chourouk Nait Saidi Detlev Conrad Mielczarek, Patrice Paricaud.
Fluid Phase Equilibria, Volume 517, 1 August 2020.
DOI : 10.1016/j.fluid.2020.112614.
- "Shock to detonation transition of plastic bonded aluminized explosives".
Thomas Elia, Gérard Baudin, Marc Genetier, Alexandre Lefrançois, Antoine Osmont, Laurent Catoire.
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, Vol. 45, n°4, 554-567, 2020/4.
DOI : 10.1002/prep.201900290.
- "Temperature and Pressure Dependent Rate Coefficients for the Reaction of Ketene with Hydroxyl Radical".
Boyang Xu, Julian Garrec, André Nicolle, Mickaël Matrat, Laurent Catoire.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, American Chemical Society, Volume 123, n°13, 2 483-2 496, 2019/3/11.
DOI : 10.1021/acs.jpca.8b11273.
- "A Theoretical Multiscale Approach to Study the Initial Steps Involved in the Chemical Reactivity of Soot Precursors".
Michel Keller, Theodorus de Bruin, Mickaël Matrat, André Nicolle, Laurent Catoire.
Energy & Fuels, Volume 33, n°10, 10 255-10 266, 2019/10/9.
DOI : 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.9b02284.
- "Prediction of the flash points of multicomponent systems : Applications to solvent blends, gasoline, diesel, biodiesels and jet fuels".
P. Paricaud, A. Ndjaka, L. Catoire.
Fuel, 2020, 263, pp.116534.
DOI : 10.1016/j.fuel.2019.116534.
- "Generalized Prediction of Enthalpies of Formation Using DLPNO-CCSD(T) Ab Initio Calculations for Molecules Containing the Elements H, C, N, O, F, S, Cl, Br".
Detlev Conrad Mielczarek, Chourouk Nait Saidi, Patrice Paricaud, Laurent Catoire.
Journal of Computational Chemistry, 2019.
DOI : 10.1002/jcc.25763.
- "Experimental measurements and thermodynamic modelling of aqueous solubilities, octanol-water partition coefficients and vapor pressures of dimethyl phthalate and butyl benzyl phthalate ".
H. Ishak, I. Mokbel, J. Saab, J. Stephan, Patrice Paricaud, J. Jose, C. Goutaudier.
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2019.
DOI : 10.1016/j.jct.2018.11.015.
- "Thermodynamic study of the CO2-H2O-NaCl system : Measurements of CO2 solubility and modeling of phase equilibria using Soreide and Whitson, electrolyte CPA and SIT models".
Salaheddine Chabab, Pascal Théveneau, Jérôme Corvisier, Christophe Coquelet, Patrice Paricaud, Céline Houriez, Élise El Ahmar.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2019.
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijggc.2019.102825.
- "Optimizing hydrogen transportation system for mobility via compressed hydrogen trucks".
Amin Lahnaoui, Christina Wulf, Didier Dalmazzone.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, vol. 44 (35), pp.19302-19312.
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2018.10.234.
- "Optimizing hydrogen transportation system for mobility by minimizing the cost of transportation via compressed gas truck in North Rhine-Westphalia".
Amin Lahnaoui, Christina Wulf, Heidi Heinrichs, Didier Dalmazzone.
Applied Energy 2018, 223, 317-328.
DOI : 10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.03.099.
- "Energy analysis of two-phase secondary refrigeration in steady state operation, Part 2 : exergy analysis and effects of phase change kinetics".
Michel Pons, Anthony Delahaye, Laurence Fournaison, Didier Dalmazzone.
Energy, Vol. 161, 15 October 2018, pages 1291-1299.
DOI : 10.1016/
- "Kinetic study of CO2 hydrates crystallization : characterization using FTIR/ATR spectroscopy and modeling of equilibrium/non-equilibrium phase-behavior".
Amokrane Boufares, Élise Provost, Didier Dalmazzone, Véronique Osswald, Pascal Clain, Anthony Delahaye, Laurence Fournaison.
Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, vol. 192, pp.371-379.
DOI : 10.1016/j.ces.2018.07.050.
- "Breaking the Limits with Waterborne-Based Polymers in the Design/Synthesis and Performance of Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitors".
Abdolreza Farhadian, Arman Kudbanov, Mikhail A. Varfolomeev, Didier Dalmazzone.
Energy and Fuel, soumis le 09 mars 2018 (ef-2018-00821s).
- "Techno-economic analysis of photovoltaic battery system configuration and location".
Heidi Heinrichs, Christina Wulf, Didier Dalmazzone, Amin Lahnaoui, Peter Stenzel.
Applied Energy, 2018, vol. 227, pp.497-505.
DOI : 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.09.093.
- "Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium of Ethyl Lactate Highly Diluted in Ethanol-Water Mixtures at 101.3 kPa. Experimental Measurements and Thermodynamic Modeling Using Semiempirical Model".
C. Puentes, X. Joulia, P. Paricaud, P. Giampaoli, V. Athès, M. Decloux.
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 63 (2), 365-379 (2018).
DOI : 10.1021/acs.jced.7b00770.
- "Determination of the temperature dependence of Titanium(IV) hydrolysis and complexation constants in aqueous sulfuric or chlorhydric solutions".
A. Pichavant, É. Provost, J.-F. Hochepied.
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, Vol. 131, April 2019, pages 184-191.
DOI : 10.1016/j.jct.2018.11.001.
- "Copper Confined in MCM-41 : Impact on Adsorption and Phase Transitions of Water".
Marianne Bombled, Nancy Brodie Linder, Johnny Deschamps, Fabrice Audonnet, Patricia Beaunier, Christiane Alba Simionesco.
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, en soumission 2018.
- "Pyrolysis of Selected Molecules for Second Generation Biofuels Production".
Mickaël Matrat, Chao Deng, Ji Liang, Karl Chatelain, Johnny Deschamps, Laurent Catoire.
Energy & Fuels, en soumission 2018.
- "From Confined Metal Cations to Metallic Nanoparticles via Thermal Treatment".
Marianne Bombled, Nancy Brodie Linder, Johnny Deschamps, Nicolas Pasternak, Fabrice Audonnet, Patricia Beaunier, Christiane Alba Simionesco.
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, soumis 2018.
- "Development of Kinetic Model for Hybrid Fuels Combustion : Assessment of the Potential Gains on Jet Fuel Combustion using Aluminum Particles".
K. Chatelain, M. Bouchez, M. Matrat, L. Catoire.
Journal of Propulsion and Power, soumis 2018.
- "Prediction of Enthalpies of Formation from DLPNO-CCSD(T) Ab Initio Calculations".
D.C. Mielczarek, C. Nait Saidi, P. Paricaud, L. Catoire.
Journal of Computational Chemistry, soumis 2018.
- "Structure-reactivity relationships in fuel stability : Experimental and kinetic modeling study of isoparaffin autoxidation".
K. Chatelain, A. Nicolle, A. Ben Amara, L. Starck, L. Catoire.
Energy & Fuels, soumis 2018.
- "Effect of additives on the kinetic study of CO2 hydrates during crystallization for secondary refrigeration applications using FTIR/ATR spectroscopy".
Amokrane Boufarès, Élise Provost, Didier Dalmazzone, Véronique Osswald, Anthony Delahaye, Laurence Fournaison.
9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Jun 2017, Denver (Co), USA.
- "Long Range Corrections for Inhomogeneous Simulations of Mie n-m Potential".
J. Janecek, O. Said-Aizpuru, P. Paricaud.
Journal of chemical theory and computation 13, 4482-4491 (2017).
DOI : 10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00212.
- "Predictions of the ideal gas properties of refrigerant molecules".
A. Demenay, J. Glorian, P. Paricaud, L. Catoire
Int. J. Refrigeration, 79, 207-2016 (2017).
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2017.03.023.
- "Method for predicting hypergolic mixture flammability limits : Application for non-ionic liquid based systems".
J. Sabard, L. Catoire, S. D. Chambreau, G. Vaghjiani.
Combustion and Flame 176 : 547-553 (2017).
DOI : 10.1016/j.combustflame.2016.11.020.
- "Comparative study of vapour-liquid equilibrium and density modelling of mixtures related to carbon capture and storage with the SRK, PR, PC- SAFT and SAFT-VR Mie equations of state for industrial uses".
A. Gonzalez Perez, C. Coquelet, P. Paricaud, A. Chapoy.
Fluid Phase Equilib., 440, 19-35 (2017).
DOI : 10.1016/j.fluid.2017.02.018.
- "Silica Nanoparticles for the Stabilization of W/O Emulsions at HTHP Conditions for Unconventional Reserves Drilling Operations".
Ramy Ghosn, François Mihelic, Jean-François Hochepied, Didier Dalmazzone.
Oil & Gas Science and Technology2017, 72, 21.
DOI : 10.2516/ogst/2017020.
- "Experimental Study on the Influence of Hydrogel on CO2 Hydrate Formation".
Bärbel Egenolf-Jonkmanns, Georg Janicki, Stefano Bruzzano, Görge Deerberg, Didier Dalmazzone, Walter Fürst.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik, Volume 89, Issue6, June 2017, pages 733-742.
DOI : 10.1002/cite.201600064.
- "Aluminium doping composite metal-organic framework by alane nanoconfinement : Impact on the room temperature hydrogen uptake".
P. K. Prabhakaran, L. Catoire, J. Deschamps.
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials : Vol. 243, 1 May 2017, pages 214-220.
DOI : 10.1016/j.micromeso.2017.02.032.
- "Building an optimal hydrogen transportation system for mobility, focus on minimizing the cost of transportation via truck".
Amin Lahnaoui, Christina Wulf, Didier Dalmazzone.
Energy Procedia, 2017, 142, 2072-2079.
DOI : 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.12.579.
- "β-Lactam Synthesis through Diodomethane Addition to Amide Dianions".
Alaa Zidan, Julian Garrec, Marie Cordier, Abeer M. El-Naggar, Nour E. A. Abd El-Sattar, Ali Khalil Ali, Mohamed Ali Hassan, Laurent El Kaïm.
Angewandte Chemie, 2017, 56, 12179-12183.
DOI : 10.1002/anie.201706315.
- "Combustion of synthetic jet fuels : Naphthenic cut and blend with a gas-to-liquid (GtL) jet fuel".
Philippe Dagaut, Pascal Diévart.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017, 36, 433-440.
DOI : 10.1016/j.proci.2016.05.045.
- "Modeling Hydrogen Diffusion in Hybrid Activated Carbon-MIL-101(Cr) Considering Temperature Variation and Surface Loading Changes".
Zhewei Yu, Johnny Deschamps, Lomig Hamon, Prasanth Karikkethu Prabhakaran, Pascaline Pré.
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 248, 2017, 72.
DOI : 10.1016/j.micromeso.2017.03.059.
- "An experimental study in a jet-stirred reactor and a comprehensive kinetic mechanism for the oxidation of methyl ethyl ketone".
Sébastien Thion, Pascal Diévart, Pierre Van Cauwenberghe, Guillaume Dayma, Zeynep Serinyel, Philippe Dagaut.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017, 36, 459-467.
DOI : 10.1016/j.proci.2016.05.022.
- "Detonation initiation of heterogeneous melt-cast high explosives".
V. Chuzeville, G. Baudin, A. Lefrançois, M. Genetier, Y. Barbarin, L. Jacquet, J. L. Lhopitault, J. Peix, R. Boulanger, L. Catoire.
AIP Conference Proceedings 1793 : 030009 (2017).
- "Hydrogen Adsorption and Kinetics in MIL-101(Cr) and Hybrid Activated Carbon-MIL-101(Cr) Materials".
Zhewei Yu, Johnny Deschamps, Lomig Hamon, Prasanth Karikkethu Prabhakaran, Pascaline Pré.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42, 2017, 8021.
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.02.192.
- "Phase equilibria of semi-clathrate hydrates of tetra-n-butyl phosphonium bromide at atmospheric pressure and in presence of CH4 and CO2 + CH4".
Luiz Paulo Sales Silva, Didier Dalmazzone, Moncef Stambouli, Anne-Laure Lesort, Philippe Arpentinier, Antonio Trueba, Walter Fürst.
Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2016, 413, 28-35.
DOI : 10.1016/j.fluid.2015.09.042.
- "Phase behavior of simple tributylphosphine oxide (TBPO) and mixed gas (CO2, CH4 and CO2 + CH4) + TBPO semiclathrate hydrates".
Luiz Paulo Sales Silva, Didier Dalmazzone, Moncef Stambouli, Philippe Arpentinier, Antonio Trueba, Walter Fürst.
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2016, 102, 293-302.
DOI : 10.1016/j.jct.2016.07.022.
- "Wide Range Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study of Chain Length Impact on n-Alkanes Autoxidation".
K. Chatelain, A. Nicolle, A. Ben Amara, L. Catoire, L. Starck.
Energy & Fuels, 30, 1294-1303, 2016.
DOI : 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.5b02470.
- "A new optimization method for the determination of classical force fields. Application to the united atom force field of short alkanes".
J. Janecek, P. Paricaud.
Fluid Phase Equilib., 429, 27-36 (2016).
DOI : 10.1016/j.fluid.2016.08.023.
- "On the role of heterogeneous reactions in aluminum combustion".
J. Glorian, S. Gallier, L. Catoire.
Combustion and Flame 168 : 378-392 (2016).
DOI : 10.1016/j.combustflame.2016.01.022.
- "Experimental and modelling study of the densities of the hydrogen sulphide plus methane mixtures at 253, 273 and 293 K and pressures up to 30 MPa".
A. G. Perez, A. Valtz, C. Coquelet, P. Paricaud, A. Chapoy.
Fluid Phase Equilib., 427, 371-383 (2016).
DOI : 10.1016/j.fluid.2016.08.002.
- "Isothermal vapor-liquid equilibrium data for the trifluoromethane (R23) + 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoroprop-1-ene (R1234yf) system at temperatures from 254 to 348 K".
H. Madani, A. Valtz, F. Zhang, J. El Abbadil, C. Houriez, P. Paricaud, C. Coquelet.
Fluid Phase Equilib., Volume 415, 15 May 2016, pages 158-165.
DOI : 10.1016/j.fluid.2016.02.005.
- "Experimental measurements and modeling of the dissociation conditions of semiclathrate hydrates of tetrabutyl ammonium nitrate and carbon dioxide".
P. Babu, P. Paricaud, P. Linga.
Fluid Phase Equilib., 413, 80-85 (2016).
DOI : 10.1016/j.fluid.2015.08.034.
- "Experimental Determination and Modeling of the Speciation of Uranium(VI) in Phosphoric Acid Medium".
A. Dartiguelongue, A. Chagnes, E. Provost, W. Fürst, G. Cote.
Solvent Extr. Ion Exch., 2016, 34(3), 241-259.
DOI : 10.1080/07366299.2016.1169145.
- "Modelling of uranium(VI) extraction by D2EHPA/TOPO from phosphoric acid within a wide range of concentrations".
A. Dartiguelongue, A. Chagnes, É. Provost, W. Fürst, G. Cote.
Hydrometallurgy, 2016, 165, 57-63.
DOI : 10.1016/j.hydromet.2015.11.007.
- "Interfaced titanium dioxide anatase-rutile nanocomposites by thermohydrolysis in presence of small amounts of Sn(IV) and their photocatalytic properties".
A. Pichavant, É. Provost, M.-H. Berger, W. Fürst, J.-F. Hochepied.
Colloids and Surfaces A : Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2014, 462, 64-68.
DOI : 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2014.08.025.
- "Particle size distribution of TBPB hydrates by focused beam reflectance measurement (FBRM) for secondary refrigeration application".
Pascal Clain, Fatou Toutie Ndoye, Anthony Delahaye, Laurence Fournaison, Wei Lin, Didier Dalmazzone.
International Journal of Refrigeration, 2015, 50, 19-31.
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2014.10.016.
- "Modeling of the dissociation conditions of H2 + CO2 semiclathrate hydrate formed with TBAB, TBAC, TBAF, TBPB, and TBNO3 salts. Application to CO2 capture from syngas".
Ayako Fukumoto, Luiz Paulo Sales Silva, Patrice Paricaud, Didier Dalmazzone, Walter Fürst.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015, 40, 9254-9266.
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.05.139.
- "Experimental Measurements and Modeling of the Dissociation Conditions of Tetrabutylammonium Chloride Semiclathrate Hydrates in the Presence of Hydrogen".
Ayako Fukumoto, Didier Dalmazzone, Patrice Paricaud, Walter Fürst.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2015, 60, 343-350.
DOI : 10.1021/je5006104.
- "Modeling of Transport Properties Using the SAFT-VR Mie Equation of State".
A. Gonzales, P. Paricaud, C. Coquelet, A. Chapoy.
Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, SPE-175051-MS (2015).
DOI : 10.2118/175051-MS.
- "Gas-Surface Thermochemistry and Chemical Kinetics for Aluminum Particle Combustion".
J. Glorian, L. Catoire, S. Gallier, N. Cesco.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 : 2439-2446 (2015).
DOI : 10.1016/j.proci.2014.07.039.
- "Extension of the BMCSL equation of state for hard spheres to the metastable disordered region : Application to the SAFT approach".
P. Paricaud.
J. Chem. Phys., 143, 044507 (2015).
DOI : 10.1063/1.4927148.
- "Thermodynamic data of known volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in Rosmarinus officinalis : Implications for forest fire modeling".
A. Osmont, K. Chetehouna, N. Chaumeix, NJ DeYonker, L. Catoire.
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, Volume 1073, 1 december 2015, pages 27-33.
DOI : 10.1016/j.comptc.2015.09.008.
- "Doping Activated Carbon Incorporated Composite MIL-101 using Lithium : Impact on Hydrogen Uptake".
Prasanth Karikkethu Prabhakaran and Johnny Deschamps.
Journal of Material Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 7014.
DOI : 10.1039/C4TA07197B.
- "A generalized Kiselev crossover approach applied to Soave-Redlich-Kwong equation of state".
J. Janecek, P. Paricaud, M. Dicko, C. Coquelet.
Fluid Phase Equilib.401, 16-26 (2015).
DOI : 10.1016/j.fluid.2015.04.024.
- "Room Temperature Hydrogen Storage in Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes Incorporated MIL-101 doped with Lithium".
Prasanth Karikkethu Prabhakaran and Johnny Deschamps.
Journal of Porous Materials, 2015, 22, 1635-1642.
DOI : 10.1007/s10934-015-0047-1.
- "Detection and Identification of the Keto-Hydroperoxide (HOOCH2OCHO) and Other Intermediates during Low-Temperature Oxidation of Dimethyl Ether".
Kai Moshammer, Ahren W. Jasper, Denisia M. Popolan-Vaida, Arnas Lucassen, Pascal Diévart, Hatem M. Selim, Arkke J. Eskola, Craig A. Taatjes, Stephen R. Leone, Mani Sarathy, Yiguang Ju, Philippe Dagaut, Katharina Kohse-Hoinghaus, Nils Hansen.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A , 2015, 119, 7361-7674.
DOI : 10.1021/acs.jpca.5b00101.
- "Self-sustaining n-Heptane cool diffusion flames activated by ozone".
Sang Hee Won, Bo Jiang, Pascal Diévart, Chae Hoon Sohn, Yiguang Ju.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2015, 35, 881-888.
DOI : 10.1016/j.proci.2014.05.021.
- "Quantitative measurements of HO2/H2O2 and intermediate species in low and intermediate temperature oxidation of dimethyl ether".
Naoki Kurimoto, Brian Brumfield, Xueliang Yang, Tomoya Wada, P. Diévart, Gerard Wysocki, Yiguang Ju.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2015, 35, 457-464.
DOI : 10.1016/j.proci.2014.05.120.
- "Hydrogen adsorption in lithium doped MIL-101 and MIL-53(Al) at 77 and 298 K up to 100 bar : effect of lithium concentration".
Prasanth Karikkethu Prabhakaran, Johnny Deschamps.
Journal of Porous Materials, 2015, 22, 1073.
DOI : 10.1007/s10934-015-9982-0.
- "Hydrate phase equilibria data and hydrogen storage capacity measurement of the system H2 + tetrabutylammonium hydroxide + H2O".
Amir A. Karimi, Oleksandr Dolotko, Didier Dalmazzone.
Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2014, 361, 175-180.
DOI : 10.1016/j.fluid.2013.10.043.
- "Thermodynamic properties of semiclathrate hydrates formed from the TBAB + TBPB + water and CO2 + TBAB + TBPB + water systems".
Wei Lin, Didier Dalmazzone, Walter Fürst, Anthony Delahaye, Laurence Fournaison, Pascal Clain.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 2014, 372, 63-68.
DOI : 10.1016/j.fluid.2014.03.026.
- "The Onset of Detonation Behind Shock Waves of Moderate Intensity in Gas Phase".
N. Chaumeix, B. Imbert, L. Catoire, C.-E. Paillard.
Combustion Science and Technology 186, 607-620 (2014).
DOI : 10.1080/00102202.2014.883259.
- "Modeling the Dissociation Conditions of Carbon Dioxide + TBAB, TBAC, TBAF, and TBPB Semiclathrate Hydrates".
Ayako Fukumoto, Patrice Paricaud, Didier Dalmazzone, Wassila Bouchafaa, Thi Thu-Suong Ho, Walter Fürst.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2014, 59, 3193-3204.
DOI : 10.1021/je500243k.
- "Lipid peroxidation in membranes : the peroxyl radical does not "float"".
Julian Garrec, Antonio Monari, Xavier Assfeld, Lluis M. Mir, Mounir Tarek.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2014, 5, 1653-1658.
DOI : 10.1021/jz500502q.
- "Are dinucleoside monophosphates relevant models for the study of DNA intrastrand cross-link lesions ? The example of G[8-5m]T".
Julian Garrec, Élise Dumont.
Chemical Research in Toxicology, 2014, 27, 1133-1141.
DOI : 10.1021/tx4004616.
- "Experimental Study of the Oxidation of N-Tetradecane in a Jet-Stirred Reactor (JSR) and Detailed Chemical Kinetic Modeling".
A. Mzé-Ahmed, P. Dagaut, G. Dayma, P. Diévart, K. Hadj-Ali.
Combustion Science and Technology, 2014, 186, 594-606.
DOI : 10.1080/00102202.2014.883256.
- "Kinetics of Oxidation of a 100% Gas-to-Liquid Synthetic Jet Fuel and a Mixture GtL/1-Hexanol in a Jet-Stirred Reactor : Experimental and Modeling Study".
Amir Mzé-Ahmed, Philippe Dagaut, Guillaume Dayma, Pascal Diévart.
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2014, 137, 011503.
DOI : 10.1115/1.4028259.
- "Combustion of a Gas-to-Liquid-Based Alternative Jet Fuel : Experimental and Detailed Kinetic Modeling".
Philippe Dagaut, Guillaume Dayma, Pasal Diévart, Kamal Hadj-Ali, Amir Mzé-Ahmed.
Combustion Science and Technology, 2014, 186, 1275-1283.
DOI : 10.1080/00102202.2014.934564.
- "Importance of a Cycloalkane Functionality in the Oxidation of a Real Fuel".
Stephen Dooley, Joshua Heyne, Sang Hee Won, Pascal Diévart, Yiguang Ju, Frederick L. Dryer.
Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28, 7649-7661.
DOI : 10.1021/ef5008962.
- "Accurate DSC measurement of the phase transition temperature in the TBPB-water system".
Wei Lin, Didier Dalmazzone, Walter Fürst, Anthony Delahaye, Laurence Fournaison, Pascal Clain.
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2013, 61, 132-137.
DOI : 10.1016/j.jct.2013.02.005.
- "Method to create a hydrophilic environment within hydrophobic nanostructure".
Nancy Brodie-Linder, Johnny Deschamps, Fabrice Audonnet, Christiane Alba-Simionesco.
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2013, 179, 17.
DOI : 10.1016/j.micromeso.2013.05.014.
- "Measurement of the absorption cross sections of SiCl4, SiCl3, SiCl2 and Cl at H Lyman-α wavelength".
R. Mével, L. Catoire, M. Fikri, P. Roth.
Chemical Physics Letters 561 : 31-35 (2013).
DOI : 10.1016/j.cplett.2013.01.035.
- "Thermodynamic studies of CO2 + TBAB + water system : experimental measurements and correlations".
Wei Lin, Didier Dalmazzone, Walter Fürst, Anthony Delahaye, Laurence Fournaison, Pascal Clain.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2013, 58 (8), 2233-2239.
DOI : 10.1021/je400272k.
- "Dynamics of Excited Hydroxyl Radicals in Hydrogen-Based Mixtures Behind Reflected Shock Waves".
R. Mével, S. Pichon, L. Catoire, N. Chaumeix, J.E. Shepherd.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34, 677-684 (2013).
DOI : 10.1016/j.proci.2012.06.151.
- "What singles out the G[8-5]C intrastrand DNA cross-link ? Mechanistic and structural insights from Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics".
Chandan Patel, Julian Garrec, Céline Dupont, Élise Dumont.
Biochemistry, 2013, 52, 425-431.
DOI : 10.1021/bi301198h.
- "Two Misfolding Routes for the Prion Protein around pH 4.5".
Julian Garrec, Ivano Tavernelli, Ursula Rothlisberger.
PLoS Computational Biology, May 16, 2013.
DOI : 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003057.
- "Prion versus Doppel Protein Misfolding : New Insights from Replica-Exchange Molecular Dynamics Simulations".
Pascal Baillod, Julian Garrec, Ivano Tavernelli, Ursula Rothlisberger.
Biochemistry, 2013, 52, 8518-8526.
DOI : 10.1021/bi400884e.
- "The Combustion Properties of 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene and a Kinetic Model".
Pascal Diévart, Hwan Ho Kim, Sang Hee Won, Yiguang Ju, Frederick L. Dryer, Stephen Dooley, Weijing Wang, Matthew. A. Oehlschlaeger.Fuel, 2013, 109, 125-136.
DOI : 10.1016/j.fuel.2012.11.069.
- "A Comparative Study of Chemical Kinetic Characteristics of Methyl Esters in Diffusion Flame Extinction".
Pascal Diévart, Sang Hee Won, Jing Gong, Stephen Dooley, Yiguang Ju.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2013, 34, 821-829.
DOI : 10.1016/j.proci.2012.06.180.
- "Experimental and detailed kinetic model for the oxidation of a Gas to Liquid (GtL) jet fuel".
Philippe Dagaut, Florent Karsenty, Guillaume Dayma, Pascal Diévart, Kamal Hadj-Ali, Amir Mzé-Ahmed, Marina Braun-Unkhoff, Jürgen Herzler, Trupti Kathrotia, Thomas Kick, Clemens Naumann, U. Riedel, L. Thomas.
Combustion and Flame, 2013, 161, 835-843.
DOI : 10.1016/j.combustflame.2013.08.015.
- "Size distribution of associated clusters in liquid alcohols : Interpretation of simulation results in the frame of SAFT approach".
J. Janecek, P. Paricaud.
J. Chem. Phys. 139, 174502 (2013).
DOI : 10.1063/1.4827107.
- "Influence of Cyclic Dimer Formation on the Phase Behavior of Carboxylic Acids. II Cross associating Systems".
J. Janecek, P. Paricaud.
J. Phys. Chem. B., 117, 32, 9430-9438, (2013).
DOI : 10.1021/jp4012125.
- "Vapour Liquid Equilibrium (VLE) for the Systems Furan + n-Hexane and Furan + Toluene. Measurements, data treatment and modelling using molecular models".
M. Nala, E. Auger, I. Gedik, N. Ferrando, M. Dicko, P. Paricaud, F. Volle, J. P. Passarello, J.-C. de Hemptinne, P. Tobaly, P. Stringari, C. Coquelet, D. Ramjugernath, P. Naidoo, R. Lugo.
Fluid. Phase. Equilib., 337, 234-245, (2013).
DOI : 10.1016/j.fluid.2012.08.005.
- "Effect of the incorporation of speciation data in the modeling of CO2-DEA-H2O system".
F. Diab, E. Provost, N. Laloué, P. Alix, W. Fürst.
Fluid. Phase. Equilib., 2013, 353, 22-30.
DOI : 10.1016/j.fluid.2013.05.029.
Autres articles (articles publiés dans des revues professionnelles ou techniques, etc.)
- "Modélisation thermodynamique par calculs ab initio et approche COSMO".
Patrice Paricaud.
Techniques de l'Ingénieur. Énergies, 2020, Réf : AF6713 v1.
- "Détermination des propriétés thermodynamiques des fluides - Mélanges".
Salaheddine Chabab, Patrice Paricaud, Christophe Coquelet.
Techniques de l'Ingénieur. Énergies, 2020, Réf : BE8031 v2.
- "Détermination des propriétés thermodynamiques des fluides - Fluides purs".
Salaheddine Chabab, Patrice Paricaud, Christophe Coquelet.
Techniques de l'Ingénieur. Énergies, 2020, Réf : BE8030 v2.
- "Use of hydrates for cold storage and distribution in refrigeration and air-conditionning applications".
Anthony Delahaye, Laurence Fournaison, Didier Dalmazzone.
Gas Hydrates 2, Wiley-ISTE, pp.315, 2018, Energy Series, 978-1-78630-221-2.
- "De la cinétique chimique élémentaire aux mécanismes cinétiques détaillés".
Laurent Catoire.
AF 6211, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, 2018.
- "Étude de la transition choc-détonation à l'aide de métrologies continues".
V. Chuzeville, G. Baudin, A. Lefrançois, M. Genetier, Y. Barbarin, L. Jacquet, R. Boulanger, L. Catoire.
Focus n°5, pp. 42-43 (2017).
- "Cinétique hétérogène pour la combustion de l’aluminium".
J. Glorian, N. Cesco, S. Gallier, L. Catoire.
Focus, n°4, pp. 46-47 (2015).
- "La Filière Hydrogène : de la Production à la Combustion en passant par le Stockage".
Johnny Deschamps, Patrice Paricaud, Laurent Catoire.
Cahier Technique : Industrie et Technologies, (982-983), 2015, 57.

Publications du groupe de recherche SOR sur la période 2012-2018 (éléments)
Articles publiés
- "Palladium triggered dienes formation from nitro allylic compounds : a versatile entry into naphthalene derivatives".
M. Dolè Kerim, S. Jia, C. Theodorakidou, S. Prévost, L. El Kaïm.
Chemical Communications, issue 77, september 2018.
DOI : 10.1039/C8CC06536E.
- "A Passerini/A Passerini/Michael pathway towards butyrolactones".
L. El Kaïm, S. Jia.
Eur. J. Org. Chem. september 2018.
DOI : 10.1002/ejoc.201800958.
- "Metal-free deamidative Ugi access to isoindolinones".
S. Baaziz, M. Dolè Kerim, M. Cordier, L. Hammal, L. El Kaïm.
Synlett 2018, 29, 1842-1846.
DOI : 10.1055/s-0037-1610189.
- "4-Aminopyrimidine libraries from the Ugi-Smiles reaction of thiouracil".
M. Ait Sidhoum, L. El Kaïm, L. Grimaud.
Tetrahedron, 2018, 74, 5222-5231.
DOI : 10.1016/j.tet.2018.04.058.
- "Propargylation of Ugi amide dianion : An entry into pyrrolidinone and benzoindolizidine alkaloid analogues".
A. Zidan, M. Cordier, A. M. El-Naggar, N. E. A. Abd El-Sattar, M. Ali Hassan, A. Khalil Ali, L. El Kaïm.
Org. Lett., 2018, 20, 2568-2571.
DOI : 10.1021/acs.orglett.8b00687.
- "TiCl4-Mediated Synthesis of 3,4-Hetero-Disubstituted Isocoumarins by Means of Isocyanide Insertion Reactions".
S. Ponra, A. Nyadanu, S. Maurin, L. El Kaïm, L. Grimaud, M. R. Vitale.
Synthesis, 2018, 50, 1331-1342.
DOI : 10.1055/s-0036-1591733.
- "Mannich reaction of trifluoroacetaldehyde hydrazones : a useful entry to trifluoromethyl substituted heterocycles".
J. Shuanglong, L. El Kaïm.
Org. Biomol. Chem., 2018, 16, 1457-1460.
DOI : 10.1039/C7OB02840G.
- "Palladium-catalysed O-Allylation of α-Hydroxyphosphonates : An Expedient Entry into Phosphono-oxaheterocycles".
M. D. Kerim, M. Cattoen, N. Fincias, A. Dos Santos, S. Arseniyadis, L. El Kaïm.
Adv. Synth. Catal. 2018, 360, 449-454.
DOI : 10.1002/adsc.201701150.
- "Passerini/Tsuji-Trost strategy towards pyrrole derivatives".
N. Narboni, L. El Kaim.
Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2017, 4242-4246.
DOI : 10.1002/ejoc.201700653.
- "Nef-Perkow Cascade towards Imidazo Phosphate Derivatives".
S. Ghorbani, E. Soleimani, L. El Kaïm.
Tetrahedron Lett. 2017, 58, 4595-4597.
DOI : 10.1016/j.tetlet.2017.10.055.
- "Nef-Perkow-Mumm Cascade towards Imido Phosphate Derivatives".
Aurélie Dos Santos, Marie Cordier, Laurent El Kaïm.
Synlett, 2017, 28.
DOI : 10.1055/s-0036-1590856.
- "β-Lactam Synthesis through Diodomethane Addition to Amide Dianions".
A. Zidan, J. Garrec, M. Cordier, A. M. El Naggar, N. E. A. El-Sattar, A. K. Ali, M. A. Hassan, L. El Kaïm.
Angew. Chem Int. Ed, 2017, 56, 12179-12183.
DOI : 10.1002/anie.201706315.
- "N-N bond formation in Ugi processes : from nitric acid to libraries of nitramines".
Valentina Mercalli, Aude Nyadanu, Marie Cordier, Gian Cesare Tron, Laurence Grimaud, Laurent El Kaïm.
Chem. Commun., 2017,53, 2118-2121.
DOI : 10.1039/C6CC10288C.
- "Ugi-Smiles couplings of purine derivatives".
Abdelbari Ben Abdessalem, Raoudha Abderrahim, Aurélie Dos Santos, Laurent El Kaïm, Laurence Grimaud.
Synlett, 2017, 28, 691-694.
DOI : 10.1055/s-0036-1588117.
- "Selective Tsuji-Trost type C-allylation of hydrazones : a straightforward entry into 4,5-dihydropyrazoles".
El Hachemia El Mamouni, Martin Cattoen, Marie Cordier, Janine Cossy, Stellios Arseniyadis, Hocine Ilitki, Laurent El Kaïm.
Chemical Communications, 2016, 52, 14490-14493.
DOI : 10.1039/C6CC08171A.
- "Optimized Conditions for Passerini-Smiles Reactions and Applications to Benzoxazinone Syntheses".
E. Martinand-Lurin, A. Dos Santos, E. Robineau, P. Retailleau, P. Dauban, L. Grimaud, L. El Kaïm.
Molecules 2016, 21(9), 1257.
DOI : 10.3390/molecules21091257.
- "Multiple Roles of Isocyanides in Imidoylative Palladium-Catalyzed Couplings : A Mechanistic Study".
L. A. Perego, P. Fleurat-Lessard, L. El Kaïm, I. Ciofini, L. Grimaud.
Chem. Eur J. 2016, 22, 15491-15500.
DOI : 10.1002/chem.201602913.
- "TiCl4-Mediated Preparation of Thiophthalide Derivatives via Formal Thio-Passerini Reactions".
Sudipta Ponra, Aude Nyadanu, Laurent El Kaïm, Laurence Grimaud, Maxime R. Vitale.
Org. Lett. 2016, 18, 4060-4063.
DOI : 10.1021/acs.orglett.6b01937.
- "Passerini/Friedel-Crafts Route towards indole Derivatives".
El Hachemia El Mamouni, Aurélie Dos Santos, Laurent El Kaïm, Hocine Ilitki.
Synlett, 2016, 27, 2571-2574.
DOI : 10.1055/s-0035-1561497.
- "Piperazine as Leaving Group in A3 Adducts : Fast Access to Alkynyl Indoles".
Mansour Dolè Kerim, Laurent El Kaïm.
Synlett, 2016, 27, 1572-1576.
DOI : 10.1055/s-0035-1561396.
- "A Non oxidative Passerini Pathway to α-Ketoamides".
Abdelbari Ben Abdessalema, Raoudha Abderrahim, Laurent El Kaïm.
Synlett, 2015, 26, 2537-2540.
DOI : 10.1055/s-0035-1560632.
- "The Ugi reaction of cyanoacetic acid as a route to tetramic acid derivatives".
Nancy Alvarez, Aurélie Dos Santos, Laurent El Kaïm, Rocío Gámez-Montaño.
Synlett 2015; 26(16) : 2253-2256.
DOI : 10.1055/s-0035-1560050.
- "Passerini/Tsuji-Trost strategies towards lactams and cyclopentane derivatives".
Marie Cordier, Aurélie Dos Santos, Laurent El Kaïm, Noisette Narboni.
Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 6411-6414.
DOI : 10.1039/c5cc00584a.
- "Formal [3+2] cycloaddition of Ugi adducts towards pyrrolines".
Abdelbari Ben Abdessalem, Raoudha Abderrahim, Asma Agrebie, Aurélie Dos Santos, Laurent El Kaïm, Andrew Komesky.
Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 1116-1119.
DOI : 10.1039/C4CC08282F.
- "Synthesis, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of imidazotriazoles and new multicomponent reaction toward 5-amino-1-phenyl[1,2,4]triazole derivatives".
M. Aouali, D. Mhalla, F. Allouche, L. El Kaïm, S. Tounsi, M. Trigui, F. Chabchoub.
Medicinal Chemistry Research, 2015, 24, 2732-2741.
DOI : 10.1007/s00044-015-1322-z.
- "The Ugi-Smiles and Passerini-Smiles Couplings : A Story About Phenols in Isocyanide-Based Multicomponent Reactions".
L. El Kaïm, L. Grimaud.
Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2014, 7749-7762.
DOI : 10.1002/ejoc.201402783.
- "Benzoxazinone synthesis via Passerini-Smiles couplings".
E. Martinand-Lurin, L. El Kaïm, L. Grimaud.
Tetrahedron Letters, 2014, 5144-5146.
DOI : 10.1016/j.tetlet.2014.07.088.
- "Reductive Passerini/Tsuji-Trost Strategy towards β, γ-Unsaturated Amides".
Aurélie Dos Santos, Laurent El Kaïm.
Synlett 2014, 25, 1901-1903.
DOI : 10.1055/s-0033-1340187.
- "Pyrrolidinone and piperidinone isocyanides from isocyanoesters".
M. Ait Sidhoum, A. Dos Santos, L. El Kaïm, L. Legras.
Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2014, 4949-4952.
DOI : 10.1002/ejoc.201402572.
- "The Nef reaction of isocyanides".
F. La Spisa, G. C. Tron, L. El Kaïm.
Synthesis, 2014, 46, 829-841.
DOI : 10.1055/s-0033-1338596.
- "Nitrile synthesis through catalyzed cascades involving acid-nitrile exchange".
D. Cartigny, L. El Kaïm, L. Grimaud, P. Marion, R. Jacquot.
Synthesis, 2014, 46, 1802-1806.
DOI : 10.1055/s-0033-1341227.
- "Kinetic Data on the Synergetic Role of Amines and Water in the Reduction of Phosphine Ligated-Palladium(II) to Palladium(0)".
C. Amatore, L. El Kaïm, L. Grimaud, A. Jutand, A. Meigné, G. Romanov.
Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2014, 4709-4713.
DOI : 10.1002/ejoc.201402519.
- "Synthesis of 2-Tetrazolylmethyl-2,3,4,9-tetrahydro-1H-β-carbolines by a One-Pot Ugi-Azide/Pictet-Spengler Process".
L. E. Cárdenas-Galindo, A. Islas-Jácome, N. V. Alvarez-Rodríguez, L. El Kaïm, R. Gámez-Montaño.
Synthesis 2014, 46, 49-56.
DOI : 10.1055/s-0033-1340051.
- "Double Smiles rearrangement of Passerini adducts towards benzoxazinones".
E. Martinand-Lurin, A. Dos Santos, L. El Kaïm, L. Grimaud, P. Retailleau.
Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 2214-2217.
DOI : 10.1039/C3CC49022J.
- "Pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidine Synthesis Through Activation of N-Benzyl Groups by Distal Amides".
L. El Kaïm, L. Grimaud, S. Wagschal.
Org. Biomol. Chem. 2013, 11, 6883-6885.
DOI : 10.1039/C3OB41477A.
- "Sc(OTf)3 promoted multicomponent synthesis of fluorescent imidazo[1,2-c]pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine".
A. Agrebi, F. Allouche, F. Chabchoub, L. El Kaïm, S. Alves, C. Baleizão, J. P. Farinha.
Tetrahedron Lett. 2013, 54, 4781-4784.
DOI : 10.1016/j.tetlet.2013.06.136.
- "Substituent Effects in Ugi-Smiles Reactions".
N. Chéron, R. Ramozzi, L. El Kaïm, L. Grimaud, P. Fleurat-Lessard.
J. Phys. Chem. A 2013, 117, 8035-8042.
DOI : 10.1021/jp4052227.
- "Cyclization cascade of hydrazono Ugi adducts towards pyrazoles".
Asma Agrebi, Laurent El Kaïm, Fatma Allouche, Fakher Chabchoub.
Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2013, 5805-5808.
DOI : 10.1002/ejoc.201300787.
- "Efficient synthesis of 1,5-disubstituted-1H-tetrazoles by an Ugi-azide process".
L. E. Cárdenas-Galindo, A. Islas-Jácome, C. J. Cortes-Garcia, L. El Kaïm, R. Gámez-Montaño.
J. Mex. Chem. Soc. 2013, 57 (4), 283-289.
DOI : 10.29356/jmcs.v57i4.191 .
- "Lewis acid mediated fragmentation of tetrazoles towards triazoles".
L. El Kaïm, L. Grimaud, P. Patil.
Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2013, 4752-4755.
DOI : 10.1002/ejoc.201300620.
- "Three-component metal-free arylation of isocyanides".
Unnamatla M. Basavanag, Aurélie Dos Santos, Laurent El Kaïm, Rocío Gámez-Montaño, Laurence Grimaud.
Angewandte Chem., Int. Ed., 2013.
DOI : 10.1002/anie.201302659.
- "Metal-free aerobic oxidation of benzazole derivatives".
Aurélie Dos Santos, Laurent El Kaïm, Laurence Grimaud.
Org. Biomol. Chem. 2013.
DOI : 10.1039/C3OB27404G.
- "Oxazole Synthesis from isocyanides".
Laurent El Kaïm, Laurence Grimaud, Pravin Patil.
Synlett 2012, 23, 1361-1363.
DOI : 10.1055/s-0031-1290939.
- "Challenging 50 Years of Established Views on Ugi Reaction : A Theoretical Approach".
Nicolas Chéron, Romain Ramozzi, Laurent El Kaïm, Laurence Grimaud, Paul Fleurat-Lessard.
J. Org. Chem. 2012, 77, 1361-1366.
DOI : 10.1021/jo2021554.
- "Ugi-Smiles couplings of 4-substituted pyridine derivatives : a fast access to chloroquine analogues".
Laurent El Kaïm, Laurence Grimaud, Patil Pravin.
Org. Lett. 2012, 14, 476-478.
DOI : 10.1021/ol202974w.
- "Palladium catalyzed ring-opening of aminocyclopropyl Ugi adducts".
Aurélie Dos Santos, Laurent El Kaïm, Laurence Grimaud, Romain Ramozzi.
Synlett 2012, 23, 438-442.
DOI : 10.1055/s-0031-1290312.
- "Ugi-Smiles coupling of thiouracil derivatives towards 2,4-diaminopyrimidines".
Madjid Ait Sidhoum, Laurent El Kaïm, Laurence Grimaud.
Synlett, 2012, 632-636.
DOI : 10.1055/s-0031-1290347.

Publications du groupe de recherche SCPI sur la période 2003-2020 (éléments)
- "Challenges in Sample Preparation for Measuring Nanoparticles Size by Scanning Electron Microscopy from Suspensions, Powder Form and Complex Media".
Ghomrasni N. B., Chivas-Joly C., Devoille L., Hochepied J.-F., Feltin N.
Powder Technology, 2020, 359, 226-237.
DOI : 10.1016/j.powtec.2019.10.022.
- "Metal-Inorganic-Organic Core-Shell Material as Efficient Matrices for CO2 Adsorption : Synthesis, Properties and Kinetic Studies".
Vieillard J., Bouazizi N., Bargougui R., Fotsing R. N., Thoumire O., Ladam G., Brun N., Hochepied J.-F., Woumfo E. D., Mofaddel N., Le Derf F., Azzouz A.
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2019, 95, 452-465.
DOI : 10.1016/j.jtice.2018.08.020.
- "Determination of the Temperature Dependence of Titanium(IV) Hydrolysis and Complexation Constants in Aqueous Sulfuric or Chlorhydric Solutions".
Pichavant A., Provost É., Fürst W., Hochepied J.-F.
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 2019, 131, 184-191.
DOI : 10.1016/j.jct.2018.11.001.
- "Importance of Choosing Relevant Biological End Points To Predict Nanoparticle Toxicity with Computational Approaches for Human Health Risk Assessmen".
Forest V., Hochepied J.-F., Pourchez J.
Chemical Research in Toxicology, 2019, 32 (7), 1320-1326.
DOI : 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.9b00022.
- "Towards an Alternative to Nano-QSAR for Nanoparticle Toxicity Ranking in Case of Small Datasets".
Forest V., Hochepied J.-F., Leclerc L., Trouvé A., Abdelkebir K., Sarry G., Augusto V., Pourchez J. .
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 2019, 21 (5), 95.
DOI : 10.1007/s11051-019-4541-2.
- "A Method for the Quantitative Extraction of Gold Nanoparticles from Human Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluids through a Glycerol Gradient".
Bitounis D., Barnier V., Guibert C., Pourchez J., Forest V., Boudard D., Hochepied J.-F., Chelle P., Vergnon J.-M., Cottier M.
Nanoscale, 2018, 10 (6), 2955-2969.
DOI : 10.1039/c7nr04484d.
- "Terbium content affects the luminescence properties of ZrO2 : Tb nanoparticles for mammary cancer imaging in mice".
Kaszewski J., Borgstrom E., Witkowski B. S., Wachnicki À, Kielbik P., Slonska A., Domino M. A., Narkiewicz U., Gajewski Z., Hochepied J.-F., Godlewski M. M., Godlewski M.
Optical Materials, 2017, 74, 16-26.
DOI : 10.1016/j.optmat.2017.04.044.
- "Silica Nanoparticles for the Stabilization of W/O Emulsions at HTHP Conditions for Unconventional Reserves Drilling Operations".
Ghosn R., Mihelic F., Hochepied J.-F., Dalmazzone D.
Oil Gas Sci. Technol. – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles, Volume 72, Number 4, July-August 2017.
DOI : 10.2516/ogst/2017020 .
- "Impact of cerium oxide nanoparticles shape on their in vitro cellular toxicity".
Forest V., Leclerc L., Hochepied J. F., Trouvé A., Sarry G., Pourchez J.
Toxicology in Vitro, 2017, 38, 136-141.
DOI : 10.1016/j.tiv.2016.09.022.
- "Photocatalytic treatment of saccharin and bisphenol-A in the presence of TiO2 nanocomposites tuned by Sn(IV)".
Davididou K., Hale E., Lane N., Chatzisymeon E., Pichavant A., Hochepied J.-F.
Catalysis Today, 2017, 287, 3-9.
DOI : 10.1016/j.cattod.2017.01.038.
- "Microwave-assisted polyol synthesis of mesoporous Ta doped mixed TiO2/SnO2 : Application for CO2 capture".
Bargougui R., Bouazizi N., Hochepied J. F., Le Derf F., Vieillard J., Ammar S.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 728, 391-399.
DOI : 10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.08.282.
- "Hydrodynamics and mixing performance of Hartridge Roughton mixers : Influence of the mixing chamber design".
Di Patrizio N., Bagnaro M., Gaunand A., Hochepied J.-F., Horbez D., Pitiot P.
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 283, 375-387.
DOI : 10.1016/j.cej.2015.06.116.
- "Synthesis and characterization of SnO2, TiO2 and Ti0.5Sn0.5O2 nanoparticles as efficient materials for photocatalytic activity".
Bargougui R., Pichavant A., Hochepied J.-F., Berger M. H., Gadri A., Ammar S.
Optical Materials, 2016, 58, 253-259.
DOI : 10.1016/j.optmat.2016.05.026.
- "From Oxide Particles to Nanoceramics : Processes and Applications".
Hochepied J.-F.
In The Nano-Micro Interface : Bridging the Micro and Nano Worlds : Second Edition, 2015, Vol. 1-2, pp 189-204.
DOI : 10.1002/9783527679195.ch10.
- "Direct comparison of AFM and SEM measurements on the same set of nanoparticles".
Delvallé A., Feltin N., Ducourtieux S., Trabelsi M., Hochepied J.-F.
Measurement Science and Technology, 2015, 26 (8).
DOI : 10.1088/0957-0233/26/8/085601.
- "Toward an uncertainty budget for measuring nanoparticles by AFM".
Delvallé A., Feltin N., Ducourtieux S., Trabelsi M., Hochepied J.-F.
Metrologia, 2015, 53 (1), 41-50.
DOI : 10.1088/0026-1394/53/1/41
- "Interfaced titanium dioxide anatase-rutile nanocomposites by thermohydrolysis in presence of small amounts of Sn(IV) and their photocatalytic properties".
Pichavant A., Provost E., Berger M. H., Fürst W., Hochepied J.-F.
Colloids and Surfaces A : Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2014, 462, 64-68.
DOI : 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2014.08.025.
- "Toxicity of boehmite nanoparticles : Impact of the ultrafine fraction and of the agglomerates size on cytotoxicity and pro-inflammatory response".
Forest V., Pailleux M., Pourchez J., Boudard D., Tomatis M., Fubini B., Sennour M., Hochepied J.-F., Grosseau P., Cottier M.
Inhalation Toxicology, 2014, 26 (9), 545-553.
DOI : 10.3109/08958378.2014.925993.
- "Hydrothermal synthesis of ferroelectric mixed potassium niobate-lead titanate nanoparticles".
Delahaye T., Al-Zein A., Berger M. H., Bril X., Hochepied J.-F.
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2014, 97 (5), 1456-1464.
DOI : 10.1111/jace.12778.
- "Influence of semi-batch operation on the precipitation of natrojarosite particles from sulfate solutions".
Sandré A.-L., Gaunand A.
Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 342, Issue 1, p. 50-56.
DOI : 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2011.03.064.
- "Aqueous co-precipitated Ti0.5Sn0.5O2 nanopowders as precursors for dense spinodally decomposed ceramics".
Hochepied J.-F., Berger M.-H., Dynys F., Dessombz A., Sayir A.
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2011, 94 (12), 4226-4230.
DOI : 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2011.04797.x.
- "Mapping Titanium and Tin Oxide Phases Using EELS : An Application of Independent Component Analysis"
.De la Peña, F., Berger, M.-H., Hochepied, J.-F., Dynys, F., Stephan, O., Walls, M.
Ultramicroscopy 2011, 111 (2), 169-176.
DOI : 10.1016/j.ultramic.2010.10.001.
- "Impact of three different TiO2 morphologies on hydrogen evolution by methanol assisted water splitting : Nanoparticles, nanotubes and aerogels".
D'Elia D., Beauger C., Hochepied J.-F., Rigacci A., Berger M.-H., Keller N., Keller-Spitzer V., Suzuki Y., Valmalette J.-C., Benabdesselam M., Achard P.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011, 36 (22), 14360-14373.
DOI : 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2011.08.007
- "Crystallization of anatase nanoparticles from amorphous precipitate by a continuous hydrothermal process".
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Hochepied J.-F., Almeida De Oliveira A. P.
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Hochepied J.-F., Ilioukhina O., Berger M.-H.
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Hochepied J.-F., Almeida De Oliveira A. P.
Solid State Phenomena, 2003, Vol. 94.
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Hochepied J.-F., Nortier P.
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